Market Share by Property Type
Terrace/townhouse properties: 27.6%
Semi-detached properties: 33.5%
Detached properties: 26.3%
Apartments: 12.7%
10% of properties put on the market in this period were new build homes, down from the previous 7 year average of 22%. The average price of new build homes that went on the market in Q1 was £248,858.
Average Property Price in NI by Propy Type
Terrace/townhouse properties: £131,865
Semi-detached properties: £190,698
Detached properties: £285,677
Apartments: £158,621
Fermanagh & Omagh: £208,023
Northern Ireland: £203,326
The average price of houses in Fermanagh saw an increase of 17.3% from Q4 2022-Q1 2023, by far the most in Fermanagh.
Source: Ulster University Northern Ireland Quarterly House Price Index - Q1 2023